Someone's choice.
Experience it!
What is PickTube? It is an information sharing platform service
that helps people who want to acquire knowledge
or collect information through video.
To discover faster and wider information.
You can introduce the video playlist for each theme you choose or share related information or experiences.
This shared video information content helps others find and enjoy the information they more faster.
According to the type!
Please share my playlist!
creator A user who creates and shares content within PickTube.
Free type No rules!
Feel free to introduce your own playlist and experiences.
Sharing type Whether it's an individual or a group!
Collect useful videos or information you want to recommend to someone and introduce them.。
Information collector type Let's gather them together!
Share your own curation information by collecting useful videos that fit your theme.
Producer type A new type of creator!
Become a curator specializing in content. Share my creative collection of contents.
Go to creator page
viewer A user who experiences and enjoys contents of a new environment in PickTube.
To make it easier to understand videos and information related to each theme at a glance!
Experience other users' recommended playlists.

Chance to discover a new perspective through an experience that deviates from my central content environment.
coming soon

contents curation
app service